"Our community is the heart of our belonging"
Cranbrook Community Hub Manager
Why not volunteer in Cranbrook?
We all know it's not easy to put ourselves out there, but our community runs on volunteers. If everyone could volunteer just for one hour a week we would have the greatest town in the UK. With our national services under such demand we can all do our bit to make our town even more special. In Cranbrook we have the youngest demographic and it shouldn't be the responsibility of our retired population or a handful of people to make things happen. If nothing is happening then we all need to be part of the solution. The best thing you can do is volunteer and start making a difference... make the change you crave. You never know what it might do for your social life, confidence and career prospects.

Volunteering opportunities
Cranbrook has many different opportunities that can fit in with your lifestyle and it doesn't have to be a fixed time or venue. Here are some examples:
Litter pickers
Poster Makers
Account Gurus
Event Planners
Group Gatekeepers
Social Media wizards
Volunteer Coordinators
Meet and greet champions
And any other skill which needs to be shouted from the roof tops
If you would like to give back just an hour a week then please get in touch with our enquiry form below.